You probably have some in your kitchen right now. Your kids love to drink it, and if you’re totally honest, grown-ups enjoy it now and then, too. Kool-Aid, that is. But did you know there are lots of cool ways to use Kool-Aid besides as a delicious drink? It’s true! From cleaning to cooking to kids activities, we’ve found 15 Kool-Aid Tricks every mom should know and try at least once.

15 Kool-Aid Hacks Every Mom Should Know

Kool-Aid Tricks Moms Need to Know

1. Clean Your Dishwasher with Kool-Aid

Combine lemonade flavor Kool-Aid powder with soda to clean your dishwasher. Phosphoric and citric acids help break up hard water deposits. Simply pour the solution and viola!

use soda to clean your dishwasher

2. Make Dishwasher Tablets with Your Favorite Kool-Aid Mix

Make dishwasher tablets with a packet of lemon-flavored Kool-Aid drink mix. It adds an extra boost of cleaning power and a lovely scent.


3. Use Kool-Aid to Clean the Toilet…No Joke

Scrub away toilet stains with Kool-Aid and toilet brush . Citric acid is a star here, too. It helps dissolve and break away all that gunk in the toilet bowl. You can also give it a try on the toilet’s tank!


4. Make Kool-Aid Playdough

Make colorful Kool-Aid play dough for the kids. Simply follow the Kool-Aid Playdough Recipe by Kids Activities Blot. It smells amazing!


5. Make Kool-Aid Slime

Speaking of the kids, they’ll play with this Kool-Aid slime for ages. If you have kids that try to taste everything, don’t worry. This is totally taste safe.


6. Make Lip Gloss Flavored by Kool-Aid

Kool-Aid flavored lip gloss makes a wonderful stocking stuffer or gift basket addition. Tweens and teens love it.


7. Tie Dye a Shirt with Kool-Aid

Use it to tie dye shirts. It’s super easy! All you need is some vinegar, Kool-Aid packets in various colors, rubber bands and a white shirt.


8. Dye Yarn Like a Rainbow with Kool-Aid

Get gorgeous, multi-colored  yarn on the cheap. It is made using Kool-Aid ice cubes with different flavors like grape and light colored yarn. Another way to dye a yarn is by dissolving a packet of your Kool-Aid mix in a small bowl of water. Afterwards, pour the dissolved Kool-Aid into a larger pot of water then place the yarn into the pot. Bring the pot to a boil on your stovetop, then place the lid on the pot and turn off the heat. Let the yarn sit in the pot for 30 minutes, then rinse the yarn in warm water and allow it to dry completely.


9. Dye Your Hair with Kool-Aid

You can even dye your hair with Kool-Aid! It’s temporary and can be easily washed with the use of any soap and/or shampoo, so it’s perfect for kids who want to experiment with hair color. It works best on light hair colors, obviously.

How to Dye Your Hair with Kool-Aid from Double Duty Mommy

10. Kool-Aid Dyed Easter Eggs are Fun

Use it to dye eggs for Easter. Who knew you could get so many pretty colors and variations? All you need are hard-boiled eggs, a bowl of water and your desired color and flavor of Kool-Aid.


11. Make Scented Glue with Kool-Aid

Scented and colored glue adds another dimension of fun to your kids’ art projects. Simply mix one packet of Kool-Aid per bottle of school glue.


12. Kool-Aid Soaked Pickles are Trending

If you’re the daring type, make these Koolickles… Kool-Aid soaked pickles. Apparently they’re popular in the Mississippi Delta. If you’ve ever tried these, let us know how they are. I’m so curious!


13. Kool-Aid for Meringues

Use Kool-Aid to dye meringues, frostings and more. The pastel colors are so pretty!


14. Make Watercolor Paints with Kool-Aid

Combine 1 tbsp of warm water and a Kool-Aid packet to create taste-safe watercolors.


15. Make a Dessert with Kool-Aid

And it never hurts to have a no-bake dessert on hand. This No Bake Kool-Aid Pie is as colorful as it is delicious. Perfect dessert for spring and summer!


16. Scratch and Sniff Paint with Kool-Aid

Substitute Kool Aid with this homemade scratch and sniff paint recipe for kids!


If you enjoy these Kool-Aid hacks, you should also check out:

Which Kool-Aid Trick will you try first?

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